Thursday 19 November 2009

My Perfect Job...

My perfect job??...mmm...difficult question because the last years there was many options for answer it but always my first thought was veterinary medicine. In spite of this I began to think in others jobs, for example in engineering or even astronomy.

My family support me in either was my decision, that helped me very much in my final determination.

Today, when I`m studying veterinary I need to choose what area I want to specialize. It more nearly at I want is about exotic animals or wild fauna. But I know that will not be easy.

My favourite animal is the penguin but is difficult realize someone investigation because they are in extreme conditions besides it is very expensive arrive at them.

To sum up, I believe that my decision was nice because since I was child, I wanted to study something related with animals and ecosystem.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

My Favourite Web Site

My favourite web site is YOUTUBE. In this page, I find all the videos that you can imagine. It`s very popular today and it`s one more visited web site.
I visit it between four at six times for week. I knew of this web site since two years ago but I didn`t visit usually. My friends it shows me the first time this page and I find fine. After I started to watch videos more frecuently.
When I visited youtube watch videos of music, highlights of someone match I can`t see or videos of scary when I`m bored. Besides can upload your videos that you had or created and share at your friends or all people that they visite this page. In adittion, you can post the videos and comment how you find it.
Finally, I recommend because you find all the videos that look for and besides there are videos very interesting and funny when you have free time and you are in internet.