Thursday 19 November 2009

My Perfect Job...

My perfect job??...mmm...difficult question because the last years there was many options for answer it but always my first thought was veterinary medicine. In spite of this I began to think in others jobs, for example in engineering or even astronomy.

My family support me in either was my decision, that helped me very much in my final determination.

Today, when I`m studying veterinary I need to choose what area I want to specialize. It more nearly at I want is about exotic animals or wild fauna. But I know that will not be easy.

My favourite animal is the penguin but is difficult realize someone investigation because they are in extreme conditions besides it is very expensive arrive at them.

To sum up, I believe that my decision was nice because since I was child, I wanted to study something related with animals and ecosystem.

1 comment:

  1. My perfect job??...mmm...difficult question because the last years there WW was many options for answer it but always my first thought was veterinary medicine. In spite of this I began to think in others jobs, for example in engineering or even astronomy.

    My family TENSE support me in either was my decision, that helped me very much in my final determination.

    Today, when I`m studying veterinary I need to choose what area I want to specialize. It & more nearly at I want is about exotic animals or wild fauna. But I know that will not be easy.

    My favourite animal is the penguin but is difficult realize someone investigation because they are in extreme conditions besides it is very expensive arrive at them.

    To sum up, I believe that my decision was nice because since I was child, I wanted to study something related with animals and ecosystem.
    Publicado por edux en 09:37 0 comentarios

    good luck with it!!
    p.s. you got a 6.2
    Tuesday, 3 November 2009

    My Favourite Web Site

    My favourite web site is YOUTUBE. In this page, I find all the videos that you can imagine. It`s very popular today and it`s one more visited web site.
    I visit it between four at six times for week. I knew of this web site since two years ago but I didn`tWO visit usually. My friends SVA it shows me the first time this page and ITENSE find fine. After I started to watch videos more SP frecuently.
    When I visited youtube watch videos of music, highlights of someone match I can`t see or videos of scary when I`m bored. Besides can upload your videos that you had or created and share at your friends or all people that they visite this page. In adittion, you can post the videos and comment how you find it.
    Finally, I recommend because you find all the videos that look for and besides there are videos very interesting and funny when you have free time and you are in internet.

    I´m not a real fan of youtube but i understand your reasons, it can be highly addictive. good order in the text.
    p.s. you got a 6

    My Graduation
    It`s one of favourite picture because SVA represent the end of the school and besides it`s one of the moment that I couldn`t forget.
    It was captured after of graduation.It shows my partners and me. In this moment I TENSE have many emotions; on the one hand happiness, but on the other hand sorrow GOOD!!!!.
    I like this picture because it shows the last time that I was with all them and the last time on the school. It`s a fantastic picture for me.
    In the actually, I have shown ^ ? someones of them, only with my best friends of this class, when we TENSE organize a match of football or party.
    This photo was taken at 12 of december, 2008.But I don`t know who it taken, someone parent of the my partners of school. The most important is that there are pictures of this moment and more better is that there are remember unforgettable.

    nice pic1 well done !! miss
    p.s. you got a 5.7

    The Television...My favourite piece of technology.
    Since I have memory, there are television in my home. During all my life it had ^ present. WO Always when I am bored I turn on TV and I enter to a world of funny and without worries.

    I like very much because I can watch many matchs of football or tennis. Besides I like programms such as "El Club de la Comedia" or "Lucha Libre".
    On the other hand, keep me updated about the news of the week.

    Other of yours characteristics it can connect with others objects technologys likes Play Station or DVD. It`s funny play video games or watch movies in your home with your parents or friends.

    Today I don`t use often because I haven`t ^ time for distractions. I need study WF everydays. But when I have free time usually I watch it for relaxing.

    Finally, without the TV I don`t have entertaiment when I`m alone or bored in my home

    good you don't watch it so often, that is good!

    p.s. you got a 5.5
